Dosage in acute prescribing
Some tips on dosage in acute prescribing

As a basic guide, take the indicated remedy in a 30c potency upto 4 times a day for 2-3 days. After the first dose take it in water. Use approx 8oz of spring water (so just under half of a typical 500ml bottle). Drop 2 pills into the water. Bang the bottle hard on the palm of your opposite hand 5 times before taking each dose. A dose is a sip or a teaspoon. If there is no change after 24 hours then try and find another remedy as it’s probably the wrong one.

If there is a significant change, don’t repeat the remedy unless your case stalls or you start to relapse. If the change is only a slight improvement continue to dose for the 2-3 days. If your existing symptoms aggravate after the first dose, don’t repeat the remedy until this has passed. If the aggravation is then followed by a significant improvement, then as above don’t repeat the remedy unless the case stalls or relapses. You will then need to reduce the dose.

The wrong remedy will usually do nothing although occasionally you might have the right remedy but your symptoms are so intense you need a higher potency and in which case please seek the guidance of a qualified Homeopath.

© Fiona Veale

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